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The urgent challenge of climate change requires empowering smallholder farmers through regenerative agriculture practices to create a resilient food system that protects the environment, improves livelihoods, and fosters a more equitable and just society.



Our mission is to address the urgent challenge of climate change by empowering and training smallholder farmers in regenerative agriculture practices.


Our vision is to foster a food-secure and economically thriving Uganda that values environmental stewardship, harmoniously coexists with nature, and uplifts humanity.


Our goal is to create a sustainable and resilient food system that promotes soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration by empowering and training smallholder farmers in regenerative agriculture practices.

 Our Core Value

  1. Addressing the urgent challenge of climate change by empowering and training smallholder farmers in regenerative agriculture practices.

  2. Creating a sustainable and resilient food system that promotes soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration.

  3. Placing farmers at the center of efforts to address climate change and foster a more equitable and just society.

  4. Mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change while improving livelihoods.

  5. Working collaboratively with stakeholders across the food system to achieve a shared vision of a regenerative, inclusive, and thriving future.

Our main area of work

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Farmer training: Providing hands-on education in regenerative agriculture practices to improve soil health, conserve biodiversity, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions - We focuses on training smallholder farmers in regenerative agriculture practices, which involves techniques such as crop rotation, intercropping, composting, and agroforestry. This training helps farmers to improve soil health and fertility, conserve biodiversity, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their farming practices.


Climate-smart agriculture: Developing and promoting practices such as agroforestry, conservation agriculture, and integrated crop-livestock systems to help smallholder farmers adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change - The organization promotes climate-smart agriculture practices that help smallholder farmers to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.


These practices include agroforestry, which involves growing trees alongside crops to provide shade and improve soil health; conservation agriculture, which involves minimal soil disturbance and the use of cover crops to improve soil health; and integrated crop-livestock systems, which involve integrating crops and livestock to improve nutrient cycling and soil fertility.


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Food Security

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Access to resources: Improving smallholder farmers' access to inputs, technical assistance, and markets through initiatives such as farmer cooperatives and VSLA programs - The organization helps smallholder farmers to improve their access to inputs, technical assistance, and markets through initiatives such as farmer cooperatives and village savings and loan associations (VSLAs). 


Food security: Increasing crop yields and improving food security and nutrition through regenerative farming practices, access to inputs, and market development The organization works to increase crop yields and improve food security and nutrition by promoting regenerative farming practices, improving smallholder farmers' access to inputs, and developing markets for their products.


By increasing crop yields and improving access to markets, smallholder farmers are better able to meet their own food needs and generate income to support their families.

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Income Enhanced


Equity and fairness: Promoting local food systems and value chain development to improve smallholder farmers' access to markets and ensure fair pricing.

We promotes local food systems and value chain development to improve smallholder farmers' access to markets and ensure fair pricing.


By developing local markets and value chains, smallholder farmers are better able to sell their products at fair prices, which can help to increase their incomes and improve their economic well-being.


Economic stability: Promoting diversified farming systems and alternative income-generating activities, such as ecotourism and agroforestry, to help smallholder farmers build economic stability and resilience


We promotes diversified farming systems and alternative income-generating activities, such as ecotourism and agroforestry, to help smallholder farmers build economic stability and resilience. By diversifying their income sources, smallholder farmers are better able to withstand economic shocks and build long-term economic stability.

Where We Work

Our Story

Our Team


Nwoya  - Head office



Gulu City


Legal Status

Regenshope Initiative is registered and incorporated at national level as non-profit social enterprise organization.


Associated Website

Phone/WhatsApp: +256786840344




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© 2023 Regenshope Initiative

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